Sponsor a Student
You can make an immediate difference in the future of a client who has chosen life. These clients are not only pregnant/parenting, but are pursuing higher education.
Student Sponsorship
Thank you so much for considering sponsoring one of our student clients! This program runs during the UM school year, and you will find the available students listed below at the beginning of each semester. Please check back often, as this list changes frequently. Identities are withheld to protect patient confidentiality.
All of the women represented below are Care Net clients who are pregnant, parenting, or both, and are also working hard to obtain their high school, college, or graduate degree. As you know, this is no small feat, and many students choose abortion simply because they haven't found the support necessary to parent and pursue their educational and career goals. We at Care Net believe society fails women when pregnant women feel forced to choose between their child and their future. We are determined to help these young women through this critical time in their lives so they can achieve their dreams while parenting well.
Who can sponsor a student?
Our sponsors are individuals, couples, families, and even small groups. A business can also sponsor a student, as long as you provide a contact person responsible for this task. All gifts are tax-deductible. Receipts are available upon request.
What do sponsors do?
Sponsors commit to sponsoring a student for one semester at a time. Our sponsors supply the following:
A $100 gift card to either the UM Bookstore or Amazon (student's choice) to help with the purchase of textbooks. This must be provided at the beginning of the semester.
Encouraging notes throughout the semester and/or on special occasions.
Regular prayers for their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being, as well as for their performance at school and their relationships.
A care package during dead week (the week before final exams), to encourage them to study hard and know you are in their corner during this stressful time.
Students Waiting for a Sponsor:
(Information updates at the beginning of each semester and as new clients apply.)
Student 1
Gender: Female
Family: Married with first child on their way
Area of Study: Psychology/Christian counseling & education
Graduation Year: 2023
Why Did You Choose Your Area of Study?
"Success is not measured by riches and objects, but in experiences and how you made other feel."